Crochet baby blue iPod nano/handphone pouch project
Just started on another baby blue iPod nano cum handphone pouch project 2 days ago, also using 100% mercerized cotton. Well, have not really decide on the actual usage, but either items should be able to go into it. Got photos on its progress below.
Day 1 (13 Mar, Tue): started quite late at night at around 11pm till 12:30am. This is a new pattern/texture that I'm learning. Thus, only manage to struggle through the base and the 1st row.
Day 2 (14 Mar, Wed): started earlier today and had got the trick of doing of the stitches. 10 rows were completed easily and the pattern could be seen clearly. However, kindof got tired doing the same stitches throughout the night, wondering whether it would ever be completed. Anyway, decided to call it a day and continue it the following day.
Day 3 (17 Mar, Sat): Yahoo!! Completed!! It's a Saturday and the whole morning is spent crochetting the pouch. Photos below shows the completed pouch, together with the iPod nano. I had made it slightly larger than the usual iPod nano pouches so as to fit in the crystal case also.
Photographs from left to right: Empty pouch; Pouch with iPod nano & crystal case; Pouch with iPod nano inside